Clubcomission Berlin presenteert Club Culture Manifesto
Op 9 november, tijdens de dertigste viering van de val van de Berlijnse Muur, organiseerde onze collega’s van Clubcommission Berlin de European Club Night. Tijdens deze avond organiseerden 27 clubs en collectieven uit heel Europa, 27 verschillende clubavonden in 27 Berlijnse clubs. Het evenement werd ook aangegrepen om middels Club Culture Manifesto het belang van clubcultuur te onderstrepen.
︎ European Club Night
Het manifest is door meer dan zeventig Europese clubs en collectieven ondertekend. En wij steunen deze boodschap natuurlijk ook. Je kunt het manifest in zijn volledigheid bekijken op de Clubcommission Berlin Instagram, maar voor het gemak kun je ‘m ook hieronder lezen:
Equality and diversity are fundamental to inches club culture. We commit to equal access and diverse representation at all levels, from club staff to artist lineups and programming. We cultivate diverse audiences that feel seen, represented, and welcomed. We strive to promote greater understanding of privilege based on race, nationality, ethnicity, sexual and gender identity, age, physical ability, religious affiliation, and financial status. We seek to provide inclusive spaces free of discrimination, built upon self- awareness and respect for others’ boundaries.
Club culture embodies social rethinking - away from the sole goal of maximizing profit, and towards sustainable, humane systems that invest back in the creative economy of their cities. Clubs offer space for creative development, prioritizing creative work and unique cultural assets over the simple “bottom line” of business. Revenues generated in club culture pay artists and employees, continually fueling the local creative economy. We strive to be multipliers of all branches of the local cultural economy, improving the cities and communities around us.
Collaboration and self- organization are intrinsic to club culture. Clubs only exist trough collaborative relationships between artist, audiences, local businesses, administration and politics, all working jointly to sustain and develop the club and creative landscape.
Clubs serve as spaces of refuge, where members of socially marginalized communities can move freely and undisturbed. We commit to creating safer spaces built upon consent, harm reduction, and without condescension, meeting them where they are. Awareness - of self, and of others - builds the foundation of personal responsibility and informed decisions.
We commit to sustainable consumption, resource- and energy efficiency. In the fight against global climate change, we recognize the urgency of using climate- neutral concepts and technologies, of managing our resource consumption, and of minimizing our environmental pollution. As innovators and creators, we aim to implement these concepts as role models in our local scenes.
Clubs operate in a local context. The audience is international. We value artistic diversity and smallness as central aspects of club culture. Club culture takes place in physical spaces, together with other people. It’s analog, embodied, immediate. It can’t happen online. Even as clubs and scenes become globally known, they remain rooted in local scenes and communities.